Wednesday, December 09, 2009


fills my heart today because of this...

Yes, I knew this day would come but it has snuck up on me....and I don't like it at all! My sweet girl has outgrown her 0-3 month clothes. I have been putting this off for as long as I can but this morning I cleaned out her closet. Here sits a pile of clothes that will be boxed away....but the memories I will forever keep in my heart.

"Making the decison to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body". Elizabeth Stone

Monday, December 07, 2009

Made with Love this year Christmas is gonna be a little different gift-wise. Tanner has been asking me to re-do his room. What's on tap you may ask? Camo! That's right! So I am making him a comforter, curtains, bulletin board and a pair of pj's all in camoflauge. Am guessing it all stems from his first deer hunting adventure....but who really knows what them boys are thinking! Ha!

Here is a recent picture of a pair of pj's a made for him. See, I really can do this!

I'll post pictures as I make progress on my projects! Better get to it! Christmas is in 18 days!! Yikes!!!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Glorious Friday

What a wonderful day! It never ceases to amaze me when I see God's miracles unfold before my eyes. Today we had two.

This sweet girl fell asleep all by herself. I laid her down on a blanket and went about trying to do the daily (and non-ending I might add) piles of laundry and dirty dishes. I had no clue that she had fallen asleep. Have you ever heard of a 3 month old that will do that? She is amazing! We may have waited 6 years for our miracle but she has made the wait oh so worth it!!

How often do you see this Texas?

Or this?? Yes, that white stuff falling from the sky is SNOW! It wasn't cold enough for it to stick to the ground but Tanner (and me too!) had a blast!

What a year we have had. Thank you Lord for all the ways you show your love for us.
I hope that we always see how God reveals himself to us....even in the smallest of ways.

Thursday, December 03, 2009


So, I've been trying to figure out new ways for us to celebrate the Christmas season. We've been trying to teach Tanner that Christmas isn't just about the presents....but the presence. It's about Jesus. It's a time to slow down, spend time together as a family, and give back to others. I came across an Advent calendar and thought we'd add this to our traditions. I go into this knowing that it won't be easy....but know that it will bring togetherness and memories that will last a lifetime.

Here is some of the things I've got planned for us this year. Some we've been doing over the years and some are new.

1. decorate the tree together (we did this Monday)

2. watch Christmas show together (we did this yesterday)

3. make cookies (Tanner's choice)

4. go out for dessert

5. go out to a movie

6. make cookies and deliver to a friend

7. learn about St. Nicholas

8. go look at Christmas lights

9. game night

10. camp out in living room together

11. shop for Angel Tree gift together

12. decorate a gingerbread house. I've made ours in the past but you can get them at Michael's.

13. Read the Christmas story. Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 2:1-20.

What family traditions do you have?

3 Months

I'm 3 months already! I am a very happy baby. I am sleeping all night, usually from 10p-6a. I know Mommy is happy about that! : ) I have discovered that I have toes and a tongue. Oh, and I am drooling constantly. I like to "talk" and can carry on a good conversation. I love to should see the audience I get! ; ) I am oh so close to rolling over. I can entertain myself have been known to fall asleep on my own.

It's beginning to look like Christmas!!

Fireplace going. The fire is crackling. Christmas songs playing in the background. Time to decorate the tree. We all decorate it together. It's a tradition. I believe it's important for our children to have those memories of family togetherness. They grow up SO stinkin' fast and I wanna make sure I capture every bit of it.

This is the ornament that I got for Ainsley this year. I started this tradition with Tanner's first Christmas. Each year he gets a new ornament (his choice).

He's putting on his "First Christmas" ornament.

Our "First Christmas Together" ornament. 9!

Gotta have our sweet angel.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey and a Deer?

This year I have a lot to be thankful for! Not only do I have our sweet baby girl (whose smile lights up her whole face) but also a handsome son (who has such a tender and loving heart) and wonderful loving husband (who loves me unconditionally) . Thank you Lord for all your blessings!!

You shall rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household. Deut. 26:11

Tanner and I made pumpkin pie and our dressing before we left home. I love it that he wants to be in the kitchen helping me cook.

You know what they say about eating turkey, don't you??

She kept laughing at should have seen the cornbread going everywhere.

Always wanting to help. Tanner and I in the kitchen with Great Ma working on Thanksgiving lunch.

He finally got one!!! No, not Tanner....Michael shot him a 8 point! Tanner didn't want to go out hunting this time....go figure. We got up at 5a (yes, all of us). Tanner and I laid in bed until we heard a shot. He got so excited he was nearly screaming. So much for Ainsley sleeping past 7:00. If you see Michael and he's wearing a smile...this is why! Just ask him about deer steak. ;)

Man, that boy loves him some tractors.

Great Pa built this turkey himself. We wanted to get Ainsley up there too...but it was way to cold to bring her out. Oh well, there's always next year.

Shield Party

We didn't tell him that Daddy was going to come. Somethings are left better as a surprise!

Before Thanksgiving Tanner had a Shield Party at school. Families were encouraged to come in and decorate a family shield. We had muffins and juice at school for breakfast. Was nervous about taking Ainsley in to a germ infested classroom (those of you who know me well aren't surprised by that)! Ha...she did great and we had fun! Always enjoy watching Tanner interact with his friends....especially when he doesn't know I'm watching. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Straight A's

We made a deal with Tanner. If he made straight A's on his report card we'd give him $10. He would have the choice on how to spend his money. We are hoping to 1. encourage (or bribe...ha!) him to do well in school and 2. teach him the value of money. He just finished the 1st nine weeks of it was time for us to pay up! He decided that he wanted to use his money to buy a "Magic Treehouse" book. Who can argue with that?

Run Bambi Run!!

Opening weekend of deer season. We picked Tanner up from school on Friday afternoon and headed up to Dime Box.

Pure excitement....didn't stop talking the whole way! That's along 2 hour drive! ;)

Handsome hubby of mine!

Tanner getting all geared up for his first hunt with Daddy. Not sure who was more excited.

The shirt says it all!!

Michael has been itchin' to get Ainsley in camo. I flat refused to put her in it....until I found this cute dress with pink on it. Good compromise, don't ya think?

Jumping from one hay bale to another. He made it on this try.....not so lucky the next. Was sore for two days after!

Tanner, Hunter, Layton, Braely, Layton (he's hiding) and Uncle Rusty

Two dirty little pigs

Aunt Cathy holding Peanut

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lesson Learned

The last two days have been incredibly long and exhausting. Ainsley started running fever yesterday morning. Since our sweet girl is only 2 months our pediatrician took no chance. I took her temperature every 2 hours through out the night and gave her tylenol as needed. We went in this morning for a urine culture and flu test. After what seemed like an hour waiting.....both came back negative. Then we headed over to the hospital for blood work....nothing could have prepared me for what was to come. After signing all the consent forms they called for Ainsley. Here I was carrying her back... crying and telling her how sorry I was for what was about to happen. They tried but couldn't find a vein to draw blood out of. So they called the NICU nurse down. Here I was holding her down and trying to comfort her when I realized this is how our Heavenly Father feels when we are in pain. There are no words to describe the hurt I felt in my heart....but knowing that He understood and felt my pain made it bearable.

We have received half of the results on her blood far all is ok. Praise God!!! We will know the rest by the end of the weekend.

"The LORD is my strength and my shield". Psalm 28:7

Friday, November 06, 2009

2 months

My sweet, easy going lovebug is 2 months! I know that days are flying by, but really how can she possibly be 2 months already? We have been incredibly blessed! We couldn't ask for anything I LOVE our two children!
Ainsley is doing more every day. She is sleeping all night....usually from 9p-6a. How awesome is that? She eats 4-5 oz every 4-5 hours, LOVES her baths, LOVES her big brother....oh, you should see the way she smiles at him. Brings tears to my eyes everytime!

She is: 24 1/4" long (97%)
weighs 11lbs (50%)

"Children are a gift from the Lord". Psalm 127:3-5

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Family Pictures

Tanner with Pa

Junior invited himself in on this one.

Pumpkin Patch

Oh, man! What happened to my little boy? He looks so big! Sniff, sniff!!!

Proud big brother

Daddy and his little girl! Oh, so sweet!!!

Not quite sure what he was doing! :)

Oh, how I love them boys!